How to uninstall Splashtop?

There may be situations where you may need to manually uninstall and reinstall either or both our Personal and Streamer applications. Shown below are possible list of reasons you may want to consider doing so.

Personal Application:

  • Entering login credentials and seeing an endless spinning loading circle
  • Unable to open the Personal App entirely
  • Settings and features are not working
  • Personal App is freezing

Streamer Application:

  • Streamer App is online but unable to establish a remote connection
  • Unable to open the Streamer App entirely
  • Settings and features are not working
  • Streamer App is freezing

** If any of these scenarios apply to you, please follow the directions below for tips on uninstalling and reinstalling **


  1. Open DMG installer
    (click here to download the Splashtop Personal or Splashtop Streamer installer)
  2. Double click and run the uninstall script "Uninstall Splashtop Streamer"


  1. Open Control Panel -> Programs and Features
  2. Select "Splashtop Streamer" and/or "Splashtop Personal"
  3. Click on the "Uninstall" button
  4. If necessary, can run the zip attachment to uninstall, plus cleanup registries and directories:
    • Splashtop Streamer:
    • Splashtop Personal:
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