I want to subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack or Productivity Pack. How do I do this?

If you have downloaded the "Splashtop Personal" app (previously known as the "Splashtop 2" app) from the Apple app store, Mac app store, Google Play, or Amazon store, and want to subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack or Productivity Pack, please follow the instructions below to purchase it:


I. From "My Splashtop"

You can subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack or Productivity Pack by logging in to my.splashtop.com / my.splashtop.eu, and you can select Credit Card or Paypal as your payment method.

Note: The feature you subscribe to here will be applied to all Splashtop Personal apps, including Splashtop Personal for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS.




For more info about subscriptions, please refer to the link here.


II. From iOS devices  (It is similar to Android devices):

1.  Make sure you have logged in with the same Apple ID you used to purchase Splashtop 2 (now known as "Splashtop Personal") on your iPhone/iPad/iPod.  If not, it might cause the subscription to fail, but still get charged by Apple.

2.  Make sure the In-App Purchases option is ON as shown in the example below.  Otherwise, you may get an error message like "In-App purchases are not allowed."  You can find this option in Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> In-App Purchases.




3.  Create a Splashtop Account. Click here for instructions on creating one.

4.  Make sure the Splashtop Personal (Splashtop 2) app on your iPhone/iPod/iPad is v2.1.0.5 or newer.

5.  Make sure your iOS device is connected to the Internet, then log in using your Splashtop Account on Splashtop Personal (Splashtop 2).

6.  Check Settings -> Splashtop Account -> Manage subscription in the Splashtop Personal (Splashtop 2) app, and hit the "Restore purchase" button on the upper right. 



a)  It will show "the end date of current subscription" if you had subscribed to it.

b)  If your iPad has been JailBroken (JB), please don't use it to subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack or to Productivity Pack. This may result in a subscription failure on our system, but at the same time it might still be charged by Apple.  In this case (if your iPad has been JailBroken), please subscribe directly from our website  (my.splashtop.com)  instead.

c)  For Android devices, the Purchase page will not be available unless your tablet and Streamer are on different networks.  When you see a "satellite" icon on your Streamer, clicking the Streamer will bring you to the Purchase page which contains two buttons, for a 1-year subscription.

7.  Two subscription plans are available for both features at this moment:
         a)  Anywhere Access Pack:  Yearly $16.99 ($U.S. Dollars, not a fixed price). 
         b)  Productivity Pack:  Yearly $16.99  ($U.S. Dollars, not a fixed price).

8.  Detailed Splashtop Account info can also be found on my.splashtop.com / my.splashtop.eu. 

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